Strong Video Concept Boosted the Expert Value of STK

Finnish Electrotechnical Trade Association (STK) & Netprofile

Netprofile conceptualized a series of pro tip videos for STK's Sähkö service, aiming to educate various target audiences on the use of the service and increase awareness about it. The videos have garnered even more attention than expected within the industry, with over half a million views. 

stk logo

Sharp content and insightful visualizations resonate with the target audience 

Jarmo Raninen at STK is a product data expert who trains personnel from electrical industry companies on using Sähkö To raise awareness of the service's excellent features and benefits among target groups Netprofile conceptualized the "Jarmo's Pro Tips" video series in early 2023. 

Netprofile has handled the production of the animated videos entirely: the production team has created a recognizable visual identity, animation, and concise scripts, taking into account the nature of publishing platforms and their length requirements. The animated Jarmo was created to provide a strong and recognizable narrator for the video content. 

The tip videos comprehensively demonstrate how to perform each selected theme's action as easily as possible and showcase the competitive advantages it brings. 

The visibility of the videos has been supported by native articles and social media marketing. This way each video has found the right target audiences on the chosen channels. 

Pro tips for the benefit of the entire industry

So far, five videos have been produced in the series. Three of them can be combined into one long video or used separately. The other two function as standalone instructional videos for filling in environmental data and adding products to the service. 

The target groups selected include elements of the entire supply chain: manufacturers and importers, electrical trade operators, designers, contractors, electricians, developers, property owners, and technical property managers. 


Results and the customer experience 

By September 2023, the videos were viewed over 500,000 times on various channels. The high retention rates also speak to the videos' effectiveness, as they are watched by a large percentage until the end of the call to action. Thanks to precise targeting the videos have also been clicked on a lot, bringing the desired traffic to STK's website and social channels. 

Based on feedback received at industry events, the animated Jarmo visualized in the videos has proven to be an excellent way to increase the videos' visibility. The videos have strengthened companies' commitment to STK's product database and the quality of their information, benefiting the entire industry. 

A good concept allows for adding sequels as new information becomes available. 

Watch all of Jarmo's tip videos in Finnish! 

"The 'Jarmo's Tips' video concept has been an excellent way to present a complex message in the form of a clear and simple video. This has proven to be a particularly effective means of communicating the features and benefits of our digital product information service to its current and potential users." 

Sallamaari Muhonen, CEO, Finnish Association of Electrical Trade

Interested in animated video productions? Contact us!