

The most impactful communications and marketing strategies leverage business planning methodologies. Netprofile connects communications and marketing to the client organization's business strategy, allowing the organization to build its reputation and brand value systematically.

The explosion of cybercrime is a growing risk to organizations' businesses. Threat awareness is on the rise, but the proliferation of attack interfaces calls for continuous updating of risk scenarios, and for preparedness and practice. Netprofile helps top management and communications professionals face cyber issues, manage anomalies, and tackle crisis communications.

Superb spokesperson skills are increasingly crucial to executives and experts. A clear and convincing presentation of a core narrative works to the organization's advantage in the media and on other platforms. Becoming a superior spokesperson is a journey where a trusted coach who builds on coachee strengths is an asset.

Read more about our strategy services below.

Reputation strategy

A strong reputation drives business. Trust in your organization helps in sales, recruitment, financing – in relationships with all relevant stakeholders. What is your reputation strategy? 

Reputation management builds on situational awareness. A reputation strategy determines key stakeholders – and their views, expectations, and desires. It recognizes shifts in the operational environment and your enterprise's unique reputation potential. It encapsulates the purpose, the core narrative, and the customer promise of a company seeking growth and enhanced presence. The result is a common direction in effective communications, marketing, and sales. 

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Does your own company know which stakeholder relationships are the most salient ones? Do your colleagues understand how to nurture these relationships for holistic success? What is the single most significant opportunity in building your organization's reputation? 

We base or strategic consulting on the Impact Strategy methodology. We use carefully selected, tried and tested tools of international business management. Netprofile facilitates a process that identifies the critical dimensions of success and defines a solid reputation-building program around key differentiators. 

Our executive advisors have a broad experience in marketing communications, strategies, and business. We articulate complex issues into a solid basis for impactful tactical communications and marketing. We bring in our deep understanding of the technology and digitalization trends affecting all industries – and strong experience in the technology industry. 

Crisis foresight

Reputational crisis management is about business-critical foresight. Scenario-based issues management reduces the risk of crisis activation and increases the organization's ability to respond to unexpected events.

Netprofile's Crisis Lab methodology charts out potential crises evaluating their likelihood and effect. It also systematically defines the level of preparedness needed for each potential issue. Our foresight employs the best methods of global crisis communications and futures studies practices.

Crisis Lab protects the organization from unnecessary reputation and business damage. Preparation work engages the key crisis management people at the client's organization, and Netprofile coaches the team to manage complex and prolonged crises.

Our crisis consultants have been seared in the heat of international crisis communications; their collective skills are at your disposal. In an emergency, we help 24/7.

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Crisis simulation



Netprofile's Crisis Lab simulation is an intensive drill that improves individual and team crisis communications skills through role play. How does the team react to the various stages of an escalating crisis? Will they settle into their crisis roles – and will they be able to build trust in the face of mounting criticism and pressure?

An organization's success depends on its stakeholders’ trust – the level of which is determined by the way organizational leadership engages with its key stakeholders.

The Crisis Lab coaching session is conducted by Netprofile's experts in media, business, and public affairs. They will brief the team in on crisis communications principles, and the group will go through the takeaways of the simulation together. The exercise will improve the team’s ability to reign in a raging crisis in the traditional and social media, and among stakeholders.

The crisis communication simulation is part of our H72 cyber crisis management concept.

Crisis communications 24/7

Ansaittu medianäkyvyys on markkinointiviestinnän kuninkuuslaji. Uutisten ja ilmiöiden taustalla on usein enemmän kuin pinnalta katsoen näkyy: mediatyön ydintä on pitkäjänteinen suhdetoiminta.


Netprofilen viestintäkonsultit tuntevat median toimintatavat ja tietävät, millaisia aiheita eri mediat haluavat kohderyhmilleen kertoa. Laajan suhdeverkostomme avulla yhdistämme ihmisiä uutisten ja näkemysten äärelle. Kun tiedät ketä haluat tavoittaa, me tiedämme miten se tehdään.

Even best preparation is not always enough, and it is impossible to anticipate black swans. In tough spots, a skilled pair of hands is welcome. Netprofile's crisis operations support builds on tried and tested situation room workflows. Our award-winning teams have engaged in countless reputation crises in Finland and around the world.

In crisis communications, it is crucial to understand stakeholder expectations, formulate appropriate messaging, and for the team to understand their role in crisis mitigation. The goal must be to secure reputation capital and business continuity. In crises, we help 24/7.

H72 – Cyber crisis management

H72 is Netprofile's trailblazer model designed to manage cyber crises. In an H72 project, Netprofile is the project manager and right-hand person to top management. Our role is to make sure that the cyber crisis management team diligently looks at the technological, legal, and communications aspects of the process, at all its stages. Having Netprofile onboard means that the client organization’s crisis leader can concentrate on analysis and decision-making.



Netprofile also brings to the project a crisis communications expert who will ensure that stakeholder engagement happens appropriately. The primary goal of any H72 project is to secure business continuity. The impact of a successful cyber crisis project also benefits the broader business community – and society at large.

Read more on H72 cyber crisis management here.

Change communications

Organisaation muutostilanteissa strategisen hallinnan merkitys korostuu. Miten ylläpidetään henkilökunnan motivaatiota esimerkiksi toimintatapojen uudistuksessa tai tietojärjestelmien käyttöönotossa? Miten varmistetaan muutoksen avainhenkilöiden tietojen ja taitojen riittävyys? Muutostilanteen viestintä on herkkä paikka – sen onnistumisesta riippuu organisaation tulevaisuus.

Impact Strategy -metodiikassa muutosta hallitaan tehokkaaksi osoitetun rakenteen kautta. Konsulttimme tekevät muutoksen logiikasta ymmärrettävää. Autamme kartoittamaan vaaranpaikat sekä tunnistamaan ja valmentamaan sisäiset lähettiläät tehtäväänsä. Teemme usein myös yksilötason pitkäkestoista sparrausta, jonka kautta avainhenkilöistä itsestään tulee muutosviestinnän erikoisosaajia.

A new business strategy, M&A, changes at the top. At times of organizational change, strategic reputation management is paramount. 
How do you build and strengthen staff motivation when the world around us changes? How do you ensure that the key people driving change have adequate knowledge and skills to communicate what is happening? 

Change communications is critical – the future of the organization depends on it. 

Netprofile’s Impact Strategy methodology manages change through a structure that works in real-life projects. Our experienced consultants help build trust in the future and make change understandable and acceptable. 

Industry relations

More and more stakeholders expect enterprises to engage in building a better society. Influence starts with knowing whom to talk to. The next step is to understand what to talk about – and what your organization can bring to the conversation and society. 

Netprofile has more than 20 years of experience within the Finnish technology sector. We know the influencers in all stakeholder groups, from enterprises to decision makers. We help you create and roll out a strong industry relations roadmap. Being a force for good supports your business. As an industry influencer, you establish positive relationships and find new business for your organization. 

Media training

Interviews with the media are a perfect opportunity for experts and executives alike to deliver their narrative to key target groups. Articulate and convincing performance in the media has a great impact on the organization's ability to turn a profit. Strong performance skills are particularly important when the organization becomes a target for negative attention.

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Success as a presenter and spokesperson is not a happy accident. We structure our media training around the fundamental techniques of world-class delivery, including a CxO level dive into the mechanics of difficult interview situations. On-camera performance and peer learning are at the core of our training sessions.

Our Coaching Clinic sessions build on the principles of dialogic pedagogy. The process starts with an analysis of trainee skills, followed by mapping individual strengths and opportunities. Our coaches have trained hundreds of executives and spokespeople to represent their organization successfully in the public eye. 

We also regularly media train individuals for exceptional circumstances.

Thought leadership training

Welcome to the age of stakeholder capitalism! With the advances of communication technology, more and more organizations need to consider a widening array of stakeholder opinions. Audiences expect enterprises to comment on, and even to lead, societal development. On a global scale, numerous successful companies already have an activist leader.

Thought leadership works for the benefit of the organization. It also provides food for thought and increases individual brand value. Many aspire to become a thought leader. But where does one find the insights that resonate within the target audience? How does one reach a relevant public, and what does one say to them?

Netprofile builds thought leadership using proprietary Coaching Clinic methodology. Work begins by determining the strategic objectives and relevant thought leadership channels. In the next phase, our advisory centers on sprints of individual coaching. The coach’s job is to make themself redundant as the organization and its representative take control of their own destiny.

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Broadcaster – presenter training

The explosion of popularity in podcasts, webcasts, and webisodes is evident in the skyrocketing standard of presenter skills. Initially, content production was fueled by swift enthusiasm, but an increasing number of broadcasts showcase strong focus on quality. In a B2B environment, content needs to be meaningful, and production value has become key in attracting audiences. Therefore, corporate presenters need broadcast-level chops to excel in their roles.

Netprofile's Broadcaster training employs our Coaching Clinic methodology. Our experienced media producers provide you with the tools of a professional presenter and interviewer. The hands-on training covers, for instance, the basics of healthy speaking habits, establishing rapport with the audience, appropriate register, and handy techniques for scriptwriting and editing.

We designed the Broadcaster training to lift your enterprise audio and video content to a whole new level.


Successful business decisions are based on data. An evidence-based approach is also vital in defining your reputation strategy. 

Netprofile's Impact Strategy projects typically begin with a survey phase, where we collect and analyze data required for the planning process. Qualitative thematic surveys, which we complement with quantitative data as relevant, are our specialty. As part of our services, we produce surveys, reviews, and reports on our customers' business and industry, supporting stakeholder engagement and building industry relations. 

We help your organization convert data into a language your stakeholders appreciate. 

Interested in hearing how we could help you?